Sunday 4 August 2013

Radical Radish (sprouts)

2 posts in one night !  How lucky we are :)
Whilst madly working on my website and whilst my 4 little ones sleep, I felt excited about my other new experiment and just felt to share!
I've been using a sprout bag for bigger seeds like mung beans & chick peas and lentils, and it's so quick and easy.  Finally, though, I thought I'd try the radish seeds.  I've got some new 100% Hemp sprout bags "Sprout Pouch"  I am now selling (made in Queensland) and I am really happy with them. 
So, I placed the radish seeds (now, I can't remember how many exactly, but I think it was 2 tablespoons) in to the bag and then into a bowl of water for a few hours.  Then hung it to drip.  Dunking and hanging twice a day.
And look what happened !  (photo below).
They needed a bit of greening up when they were ready, so I placed them on my front patio for a few hours for more light, opening the bag and folding it down.
To remove the husk, I folded the bag inside out, pulled the little sprouts out and placed them in my salad spinner.  Filled it with water and all the husks floated to the top or went down into the holes of the sieve bowl.  I scooped the husks out with a spoon, drained the sprouts and now have yummy, spicy radish sprouts!
Sprouting is so addictive !

Quinoa sprouts, Radish and lovely purple and green mustard sprouts

Tiny but Tasty!

Well, I have been very busy doing a number of things (and close to having the website live very soon!).  But, always finding the time to sprout and experiment :)
This time I thought I'd  try Quinoa sprouts.  I thought I was sprouting them when they soaked for 24 hrs, as a little tail seems to appear almost within an hour, but when I kept at rinsing & draining for a few days, I was pleasantly surprised to find a real sprout!
I used the organic Tri Colour Quinoa (which will be available through the website), and they are very tasty little seeds.
The key is to rinse very well (after soaking for an hour or two) - I rinsed about 4 times, to wash away water soluble saponins which can taste bitter.  After that, just 2 rinses a day, draining them well.  I think they were ready by day 4.
(I sprouted these in the sprout jar).
I made a yummy salad with them tonight -
Soaked some brazil nuts & cashews then placed them into my food processor with fresh, local grown, organic broccoli (raw), a splash of olive oil, a dash of celtic salt and a pinch of pepper. I added some rocket (just picked from our garden), then whizzed it up for a few seconds in the processor so it was still a little chunky.
Put it in a bowl, added the quinoa sprouts, radish sprouts and a squeeze of lemon and sliced avocado.  Oh, but I didn't get to take a photo... it was too yummy!
But I did get photos of the cute little sprouts :
Enjoy your week :)

Red, Black & White litte seeds